Saturday, March 19, 2005

Feltrinelli's back on the Rock

Feltrinelli's back on the Rock. While packing his things, or before that or after, he sends a post on his blog. He refers to the Spring, and makes a very intriguing comment:

I am all the more believing that this phenomenon of Maltese blogs
(particularly those written in Maltese or in a bilingual form) could prove to be
the precursor of radical changes in the Maltese cultural sphere. Whether it is
culture with a small or a capital c is yet to be seen. We still have to debate
on the point if there is any such thing as a Maltese c(C)ulture, or if we should
talk of a plurality, including those cultures on the margin. Possibly the
New Spring - the last illusion which Fenech Adami fed us - will eventually emerge from these initiatives. (my translation).

Let us be frank about this: the spring we are referring to, even if hysterically anticipated by politicians during some massmeeting or Sunday sermon to their loyal followers, cannot be brought to life by them. We may be making a gross mistake in expressing hope with regards to a class of people who have not yet realised what it means to be in the driver's seat. Feltrinelli's right: spring must dawn over different horizons.

Nevertheless, we must accede that there were other geneses in the past. A remote past, true. Unfortunately, as Victor Fenech wrote, such spring failed. And this failed for a number of reasons, one of them being that the harbingers of a movement towards a new era transformed themselves into Party people, puny spokespersons who sign with the endoresment of some hidden hand while loitering in the corridors of power.

Yes, this new spring has nothing to do with the Sunday glory roaders. It has to emanate from the undertaking of those who have lost all confidence in the self-erected momunents lying about in every corner of the Rock.


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